Archive for May, 2019

What is Gorgeous?

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and all that jazz, right?

Firstly, I identify as a man. A Black man.

There are quite a few preconceived notions that Society believes about Black men and most of those beliefs are not a good reflection of a flawed but Human existence. We are not going by an exhaustive list but I will touch on some of the things that may be seen as a positive trait.

We are in an age where most of the fear based presumptions about one another have mostly crumbled and soon the day will come when even the most extreme race-baiters will drop their cause for the greater good. For now, these extremists focus on skin color as a means of separation. After separation, the schooling becomes a central  theme because the parents who were disenfranchised by their parents suffering the racist past of our country. Because these particular people were disenfranchised, the monies to fund public education was not there and those public schools suffered and because the schools suffer that leads to the kids suffering.  This disparity is used to suggest that non-disenfranchised youth were inherently smarter and perpetuates the stereotypes that were initially used to disenfranchise the people. It is a cycle of violence. But what does that have to do with my identifying as a Black man and how we are perceived? It speaks to establish how these beliefs sustain themselves in our Society.

Darker skin, darker eyes, darker-kinkier-hair, wider nostrils, thicker lips; that about sums up our differences from the lightest of us to the darkest of us.

Muscles come in every skin color. Big breast, thighs and ass come in every skin color. Height and length come in every skin color. Intelligence comes from every part of the World and not in small numbers. How the intelligence is expressed has more to do with the development of that particular nation as it is relative to their technological presence.

What is it that makes us commonly regard someone as beautiful or attractive? Lighter skin with darker eyes? Darker skin with lighter eyes? Lighter skin with lighter eyes? Darker skin with darker eyes? How often you see one or the other? Is it purely what makes it different to the supply that you most often see?

For me, I like lighter skin with darker eyes the most consistently. However, watching darker skin with lighter eyes also catches my attention. It appears to be a complementing vs contrasting dynamic that truly has no superior in my look of things. Again, I have darker skin and darker eyes with darker hair and what there is out there, my look is not uncommon but not the most common, either.

Then you have the “sapiosexuals” who would swear that the appearance is an illusion and that a person’s true beauty springs forth from their intellect(which, if we callback to the earlier reference might lead one to believe that people with my appearance couldn’t possibly have such a distinction applied to them). That, in and of itself, constitutes a shame. Because not only is the person not beautiful but they are not intelligent and then that leaves them little recourse to find worth.

In all honesty, this is fairly lazily written. I stopped watching what I was watching and no music is in the background but the ideas are bouncing around in my head and I really don’t know if I picked the ideas that I would truly marry to this topic. I refuse to review this writing. No reason. More of an expression for a moment; a snapshot of my mind in the Now.

For me, beauty is not triggered by lusting for a svelte yet voluptuously shaped body and “easy to look at for hours on end” type of face: that is not beauty. Beauty his how you treat people and make them feel with your energy. Beauty is in all the abstract elements involved in manifesting your heart for the sake of servitude. Beauty is in everything you do and in none of the stuff the skin could show you. Yet, here we are in to year 2019 stuck with the presumption of beauty as something we have absolutely no control over.

I truly believe myself to not only be beautiful but gorgeous; as a CIS-gendered, hetero-normative, proudly masculine male who is protective of those who lack the mental & physical strengths which I possess.

With your actions:

Be beautiful.

Be gorgeous.